Dr. Ashima Goyal is Professor of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry at Oral Health Sciences Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Chandigarh, India from where she did her post-graduation with a Silver Medal based on academic performance.
Research and Training
She has a postgraduate teaching experience of 36 years and has guided around 60 postgraduate thesis in specialties of Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Anesthesia.
She has a passion for research work and has successfully completed one WHO and three ICMR task force projects of National importance. Currently, she is carrying out two multi-centric national level ICMR task force project on fluorosis and early childhood caries. Also successfully completed projects of fissure sealant application in school children under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India
She has to her credit 130 national and international scientific publications in peer reviewed indexed journals. She has also contributed eight chapters in international and national text books and also co-authored a book on oral health.
She has prepared manuals and teaching material on oral health for training medical professionals, community health workers and school teachers.
She is also one of the experts for ‘Management of Fluorosis in India’ at ICMR and the expert for ‘Research Project Review Committee’ at ICMR.
Awards and peer recognition
She has been awarded fellowship of the prestigious National Academy of Medical Sciences, India (2016) and fellowship of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (2006).
She was selected as the finalist for ‘Bright Smile Bright Future Award’ at International Association of Pediatric Dentistry Conference held at Glasgow, Scotland, 2015
She was awarded BR Vacher Oration Award (2015) by Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry.
She has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Dentistry by Venus International Foundation, India (2016)