Agnès Bloch-Zupan graduated from Strasbourg Louis Pasteur University, Alsace, France, where she also obtained her PhD in developmental biology. Since 2007, she has been Professor of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Strasbourg, France, and she works in the Reference Centre for rare oral and dental diseases, O-Rares, Pôle de Médecine et Chirurgie Bucco-Dentaires, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg. Professor Bloch-Zupan is Team Leader for Orodental Development and Anomalies at the IGBMC (Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology), CNRS-UdS UMR7104, Inserm U1258, llkirch, France. Since 2009, she has also been Honorary Professor at the Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, UK. From 2008 to 2013, she was Board-Member of the European Society of Human Genetics and since 2008 has been President of the Scientific Committee of the patient support group Hypophosphatasia Europe. She has been Chairperson and expert of the working group WG3 Genetics/Anomalies of the European COST (European Concerted Research Action B23) “Oral facial development and regeneration”.
Professor Bloch-Zupan is a renowned expert in odontogenetics. Her research interests are craniofacial and, specifically, palate and tooth development and their abnormalities. Her originality is to combine approaches both in mice (mutant mouse models) and human presenting these palate and teeth developmental defects as clinical phenotypical manifestations of rare diseases. She is also leading the D[4]/phenodent registry for human dental anomalies, linked to a collection of biological samples. She has been and is the project leader for European programs INTERREG IV A27 Offensive Sciences on orodental manifestations of rare diseases and the 2016-2019 INTERREG V Project No. 1.7 “RARENET: a trinational network for education, research and management of complex and rare diseases in the Upper Rhine” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union. She developed a NGS diagnostic panel for rare diseases with orodental anomalies called GenoDENT. She is the representative for France of the COST action CA16234, European Cleft and Craniofacial Initiative for Equality in Care.
Professor Bloch-Zupan wrote more than 120 publications, including 67 publications in peer-reviewed journals and more than 50 publications in professional journals. She has given 120 invited seminars or conferences and 160 presentations in congresses. In 2015, she received the prestigious Sciences Price of the Rhénane Académie and became a fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies (USIAS) of the University of Strasbourg. She was the recipient in 2016, of the Micheline Blain Price from the RSBO (Réseau de Recherche en Santé Bucco-Dentaire et Osseuse) in Canada.